Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Library

The Library is open to the public and ready to serve your information needs!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer Reading Programs at the Public Library in Town

In addition to the summer reading opportunities for kids in the Lower Elwha Klallam Library and at the Community Building on the Upper Rez (see previous post), you might want to check on activities at the public library in town. The North Olympic Library System is offering summer reading activities at the library, including programs at 2:30 on Thursdays, prizes, weekly guessing games and activities, and all kids of entertaining encouragement.

Call them for more information, or just turn up. Registration has already begun...

There are a lot of wonderful resources on the web encouraging reading and talking about the advantages of keeping the reading muscles exercised all summer. MLS W.O.R.K.S (Major League Soccer's community outreach initiative) has some nice pages. The website for National Summer Learning Day includes a "2008 Talking Points" file that eloquently describes the need for summer activities and reading.

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