How on earth did we stay current before we had the web??
- You've probably already seen this nice article about Jamie Valadez's work teaching about Klallam culture at Port Angeles High.
- American Indian News Service, from the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian, looks like a resource to pay attention to. Currently on top is an article about the Infinity of Nations exhibit at the Heye Center in New York City.
- The Seattle Times had an article about the transfer of Park land to the Quileutes, which will enable them to move up out of the tsunami zone.
- KUOW radio program, Re-Engineering Nature, about the Elwha Dam removal.
- Nolo Press, the publisher of legal books, has made a number of their titles available for free online.
- Here is a more direct link to John Gussman's video of the Stage 3 flood alert on the Elwha in December.
- Cherokee for the iPhone, from The Chronicle of Higher Education.