We have a batch of new books (and some videos). These are native-related titles which we were able to buy with a small part of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) basic grant which helps support the library every year. Although there are many donations to the library, these are the first things we have been able to buy since October of last year, and we are very excited.
Except for a new first aid book, everything we ordered this summer is native related, whether books or DVDs, children's materials or adult's. You can display all our culture titles in the online catalog, at LibraryThing.
Thank you to all the community members who have donated materials over the past year, and to IMLS for continuing to support us every year.
Drop by any time and ask to see the new items. For now they are on a separate shelf, instead of being put away among the more than 1600 other culture titles in the library. Come browse, come check some things out.